We’ve created an overview of Pie Insurance for you to download and share with your clients, or you can link them directly to our Why Pie for Clients page.
Pie manages workers’ compensation claims for 34 states to deliver an even easier experience for our policyholders.
Commercial auto claims for our full coverage map are also managed in-house: Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Claims in Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, Mississippi, and Alaska will continue to be handled by CorVel.
You can access all state notices in the Document Library. Download a “How to respond to a workplace injury” poster for your clients. You can also provide them the links to our workers' comp and comm auto claims pages.
When a workplace incident occurs, Pie customers should take these steps:
Note: it’s important that your client, the policyholder, and the injured worker, if possible, report the incident. This allows the triage nurse to properly evaluate the appropriate level of care and possibly offer self treatment options.
Your success is our success. That’s why we pay commissions on new and renewing policies, regardless of premium size or operations. Commissions are paid by direct deposit on written premium versus earned premium; you will need to register an account with Bill.com to receive payment. Check out this helpful resource from Bill.com if you have questions.
Statements are issued around the 17th of each month with direct bill payments processed by the last week of the month.
Statements are sent via email to the finance/accounting point of contact that we have in our system on a monthly basis.
Pie provided commissions on a written basis so any change in premium via a cancellation, endorsement or audit may result in a commission true up.
No, we will carry forward the negative commission balance and apply it towards future positive commissions.
At this time Pie Insurance only handles Broker of Record (BOR) requests at renewal.
We can accept them 90 days before the effective and up to the effective date of the policy, with a 5-day rescinding period. We cannot accept BORs on or after the renewal effective date.
The BOR letter:
For your convenience, you can use our BOR letter template.
BOR correspondence can be sent to: resolution@pieinsurance.com for processing.
Audits are currently being done virtually, telephonically, or, in rare cases, physically. Additional information may be found within the premium audit resource section of our website.
We will automatically endorse the renewal only after the audit is complete/paid and plan on endorsing when a premium increase of $500 or a payroll change of 20% or more is generated.
Audit correspondence including any audit dispute information can be sent to: audit@pieinsurance.com.
Rules and Regulations
• Dividends only applies to premium and losses developed in Wisconsin and Florida.
• Only final audited discounted premiums of $1,000 or more are eligible.
• No recapture provisions.
• Total incurred loss ratio on audited discounted premium must be below 80% as of evaluation date.
• No Loss Development Factor (LDF) and no Incurred But Not Reported factor (IBNR).
• The policy must remain in effect for the entire 12-month policy period without a lapse in coverage.
• Policyholders with more than two cancellation notices during the policy period are not eligible.
• All audit disputes must be resolved and the balance paid in full prior to the dividend calculation.
• Dividends are calculated 6 months after policy expiration and paid within 90 days of calculation.
* Dividends are not guaranteed and are subject to approval by The Company’s Board of Directors. If that Board of Directors does not declare a dividend, no dividend distribution will be made to eligible policyholders. If the Board of Directors declares a dividend that is less than the amount needed to fund all of the potential maximum dividends for all eligible policies, your dividend will be reduced on a pro-rata basis. A payment will not be made on dividends that are calculated for $25 or less. Audited Discounted Premium means the premium determined at audit by the application of standard rates to the payroll exposure, plus any applicable premium charges, such as increased Employers Liability–Coverage B, approved Credit programs, Experience Modification and Premium Discount. Premium not in dividend calculation includes Expense Constant and Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). Incurred Loss Ratio means the total of all claim payments and open reserves for medical, indemnity and allocated loss adjustment expense (ALAE) applicable to the policy term divided by the audited discounted premium.
Loss runs can be requested by emailing lossrunrequest[at]pieinsurance.com.
Endorsement requests are handled by our customer success team and should be sent to agencyservice[at]pieinsurance.com
We’ve created templates to help you easily gather the information needed to process your requests:
Specific waivers can be requested by sending the following information to agencyservice[at]pieinsurance.com:
We’re excited to have you as a partner and want you to have the resources you need to help spread the word that your agency offers coverage from Pie Insurance. Check out our style guide for all the requirements associated with using our logo.
Pie Insurance offers a variety of billing options, including:
Our Pay-as-you-go option is through RPM. Learn more about RPM and how to gain access to Pay-as-you-go through the partner portal.